Call us today to make an appointment! (914) 327-4300


Frequently Asked Questions

What insurances do you accept?

 We accept most PPO, HMO and DMO plans. Call the office to verify that we accept your insurance. 

Do you see children?

Yes! We see children ages 1 and up. We treat pediatric patients for a variety of procedures such as oral health care education for parent and child, x-rays, comprehensive exam, cleanings, fillings, fluoride treatment, and extractions.

What if I don't have insurance?

No worries! Come in and we will discuss your personal dental needs. 

Do you accept walk-ins?

 Absolutely! You can call us at 914-327-4300 to schedule a same day appointment or simply walk-in today!

Is there parking?

 We have plenty of parking in the front and back of entrances of our building. We are located on the first floor, suite 105.

What are the closest methods of public transportation?

 You may reach our office using our nearest Bee Line bus stops shown on the image. The Greystone Metro North stop is also located near our office. We are located across from the St. John’s Riverside Hospital on the map.

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How frequent should I have my cleanings done?

In a perfect world everyone would brush and floss twice a day. Plaque builds up over time and this sticky bacterial film can solidify and turn into calculus or tartar. This cement-like substance is removed by the hygienist at your regular cleaning visits. A six-month interval not only serves to keep your mouth healthy and clean, it allows potential problems to be found and diagnosed earlier. In some instances a six-month schedule in not enough. Based on your dental history, rate of calculus buildup, and pattern of decay a 3 or 4 month interval may be needed. Our dentists can work with you to determine what will be best for you. 

It's been a long time since I've seen a dentist. What should I do?

You’re not alone! Whether it’s been 6 months or 6 years, it’s never too late to get back into the routine. At our office, we can arrange for you to have a thorough and educational exam appointment. We have been taking care of people just like you for over 25 years – take advantage of our experience! We’re here to help! 

What should I do if I'm having a dental emergency?

You should try to reach us as soon as possible. If we are not available, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, please visit your nearest emergency room to help get treated.

If you can’t reach any dentist, here are some helpful tips:

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Gently brush and floss the area to remove any trapped food or debris. If you can take over the counter pain medications (such as Ibuprofen) they may help in soothing the pain. Topical gels (such as Orajel) can sometimes help, but usually only a little bit and for a minimal amount of time. Make arrangements to see your dentist even if the pain goes.  Without proper care your condition could return or even worsen.*to make salt water rinse: mix 1 teaspoon table salt with 1 cup warm water*
When a permanent (or temporary) crown comes off:
Keep the area clean by rinsing with warm salt water rinses and by gently brushing the area if it is not too sensitive. Avoid leaving the crown out for more than a few days as teeth can shift, making it difficult or impossible to re-cement it at a later date. If the tooth is painful, denture cream or toothpaste can be placed inside the crown and it can be gently fit back into place.
Broken Filling or Broken Tooth:
Most pharmacies carry temporary filling materials that can be placed over the sensitive area until you see your dentist.  Sugar-free chewing gum can also be used to cover the area as a last resort.

Can I see the dentist while I'm pregnant?

It is very important during this time to stay current with your regular dental cleanings and exams to ensure that dental infections don’t get missed and lead to greater problems down the road. Although dentists will typically postpone major treatment until after the baby is born, emergencies do come up and need to be addressed. Because many of your baby’s organs are being formed in the first trimester, this work is ideally taken care of during the second trimester to minimize any potential risk.

Do you speak Spanish?

Sí, hablamos español aquí! Both of our dentists speak fluent Spanish.